designed with dementia – Project background

designed with dementia has been an ongoing set of projects working with people living with dementia in order to create designed objects, materials, tools, and events. These have focussed upon continued engagement with local communities and that incorporate local spaces and people.

This project is an AHRC funded collaborative doctoral award between Lancaster University and Alzheimer Scotland


designed with dementia

The stores are now closed but we will be doing something similar soon please keep an eye out.

Our pop-up shops to date have been in:

  • St Enoch Centre Glasgow
  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Alzheimer Scotland Bridgeton Resource Centre

Everything inside these limited-edition shops have been co-designed with people who are living with dementia or shaped by projects they have undertaken. The products embody expressive experiments by people living with dementia that result in unique patterns, ideas and products.

All profits from the sale of our limited-edition products generate income for supporting our co-designers (who are living with dementia) and the charities involved with them.

designed with dementia new project Gordon’s Album

Japanese Photographs artwork and the new photographic collection being generated at Glasgow Resource Centre Bridgeton.

Working with a person living with dementia we have recently created a new opportunity at the Resource Centre. Gordon the collaborator and driver of this project is conducting his own scanning workshops each Monday. He is collecting truly unique life event images from his own network in order to create a new artwork and book. Through the process so far emotive and memory triggering outcomes have created a truly wonderful experience. In the artwork displayed above recolouring of particular photos have been undertaken in response to the conversations we have had.